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Over the Spring 2010 semester, I will be studying abroad in Bilbao, Spain at La Universidad de Deusto. Feel free to stop by my blog every once in a while to see what I'm up to! And please, please leave a message or comment - I'd love to keep in touch!

¡Que te vaya bien!

Monday, January 4, 2010

I Love You, Man

Leaving all the people you love for a semester is a scary/bittersweet thing to do...but let me tell you something. This week, I have gotten to spend some quality one-on-one time with some of my favorite people in the world. Going to Spain has been a wonderful excuse to surround myself with the people I love these past few days.

I am so happy - happy to have wonderful people in my life, happy that those people are happy, happy that reconnecting with people who really matter is effortless, regardless of the time spent away from them.

My only question: why is it that we so often need a pressing reason to connect? Why do we wait for upcoming prolonged absences (me), illness, birthdays, crises, or other rare occasions to come together with one another? Beats me - I'm guilty of it too.

Maybe my new year's resolution will be to make my new reason a simple one: I am making time for you because I like having you in my life, period. If we all did that a little more, I think we'd all be better people for it.

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