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Over the Spring 2010 semester, I will be studying abroad in Bilbao, Spain at La Universidad de Deusto. Feel free to stop by my blog every once in a while to see what I'm up to! And please, please leave a message or comment - I'd love to keep in touch!

¡Que te vaya bien!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

T-minus one week. WHAAT?

Do you ever have one of those instances where you don't really realize what you've said until AFTER you've said it? That absolutely happened to me today when somebody asked me how long I have until I leave for Bilbao. I said "one week" out loud and then all the sudden had a mini panic attack inside as I processed my own words in my head. Stuff like this always sneaks up on you! Needless to say, I'm a little nervous about finishing all the packing, seeing everyone I want to see before I leave the country, and the seemingly endless list of things I want to finish up before I leave. Can I really cram it all in to 7 short days? Probably not, but I'm going to try!

Now that the holidays are over, preparing for Spain will take up a little more of the limelight. Here are some bits of preparatory adventures thus far:

-I've been put in contact with my host family! The University contacted me about a week and a half ago with their information. My host mom, Conchi Monge, lives with her husband and 21-year-old daughter, Irati, in an apartment about a 15-minute walk from the university. Irati, and I have been in contact a few times via email. I'm so excited to meet them!

-The fam has been all about the Spain-friendly Christmas presents. I got some sweet luggage from Mike & Amber (bro/sister-in-law) and a super sweet MONEY BELT in my stocking. Thaaaanks to mom and dad for that one. I'll be the coolest girl in Spain. Ok, ok...maybe not. BUT...my passport will be safe (in theory). My favorite part about it is the picture on the box, which has a very chic-looking illustration of a woman with her AWESOME money belt. Sorry, anonymous money belt company...a lot of things can be marketed as stylish and trendy - wallets strapped to a waistband simply don't fall into that category:

Sorry kids...nothing fashionable here.

-Michelle, who will be making her own adventures this semester in Rio de Janiero, has bestowed upon me (and Katie) the book "Dirty Spanish: Everyday Slang from 'Whats Up' to F*%# Off'." Now I know how to say things like "This place is bumpin, let's get our groove on" and "My cheating excuse of a husband is a real piece of trash." Score. Besides, what's the point of knowing a romance language if you can't hit on anyone properly in it? (Joke!)

-I'm beginning to master Celsius to Fahrenheit conversions. I just googled a handy trick that gives a good ballpark estimate instead of using the whole complicated 5/9 equation: To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, you double the temperature then add 30. For example, if it's 15C in Bilbao, I would take 15x2 = 30, plus 30 is 60 Fahrenheit. In actuality, it's 59F. Not too shabby!

-Speaking of temperature, it'll be nice to leave this frigid weather for a much more mild winter. Today, for example, it is currently a wind chill of -4. In Bilbao, it is 50. NICE.

-I am officially signed up for the Madrid Marathon on April 25th! I cycle between days of total excitement and total panic that I won't be able to do it. I'm already putting in good mileage, but I'll start following an official training plan just about as soon as I arrive in Spain. I've heard that running isn't as common in Europe as it is here, so I hope I don't look like a total weirdo. I'm sure I'll be mixing in my training adventures with the rest of my tales from abroad.

Other than that, I'm just trying to spend some quality time with family and friends these next few days. It will be a bittersweet goodbye, but I am excited to find a home in a different corner of the world, at least for a little while. :)

Please check in often and keep in touch!